The Italian Cousins Fleminggatan

Pizza, Primi Piatti & Antipasti.

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Olive Verdi

Big green olives from Salento, Puglia.

SEK 59.00

Not available


Marcona almonds

SEK 59.00

Not available

Pizza slices

Our boxes of Pizza al Taglio made with EKO flour from heritage grains (kulturspannmål) cultivated on the mountains in Piemonte.

LUNCH: 2 Pizza squares & side sallad

Choose below if you want your slices vegetarian, with meat or vegan. We select for you based on availability. (Suggested for 1 pers)

SEK 139.00

Not available

2 Squares - VEGETARIAN

Our choice of 2 vegetarian slices. (Suggested for 1 pers)

SEK 135.00

Not available

2 Squares - SALUMI

Our choice of 2 slices with hams. (Suggested for 1 pers)

SEK 135.00

Not available

2 Squares - MIXED

Our choice of 1 vegetarian slice and 1 slice with hams. (Suggested for 1 pers)

SEK 135.00

Not available

4 Squares - VEGETARIAN

Our choice of 4 vegetarian slices. (Suggested for 2 pers)

SEK 250.00

Not available

4 Squares - SALUMI

Our choice of 4 slices with hams. (Suggested for 2 pers)

SEK 250.00

Not available

4 Squares - MIXED

Our choice of 2 vegetarian slices and 2 slice with hams. (Suggested for 2 pers)

SEK 250.00

Not available

9 Squares - MIXED

Our choice of different vegetarian slices and with hams. (Suggested for 3-4 pers)

SEK 585.00

Not available

Pasta / Primi piatti

Lasagna al ragù

Authentic lasagna from Emilia with a mix of pork and cow meat. As always completely free of conservering

SEK 185.00

Not available

Parmigiana di melanzane

A sort of vegetarian lasagna without pasta with fried aubergines, mozzarella, tomato sauce, Parmigiano Reggiano, basil

SEK 185.00

Not available



with eggs and Mascarpone from the alps.

SEK 75.00

Not available

Cheesecake alla ricotta

with ricotta made from our friend Roberto in Hälsingland

SEK 69.00

Not available


Bio Cola

Organic Italian Cola

SEK 45.00

Not available

Bio Limonata

Organic Italian Limonata

SEK 45.00

Not available

Moretti Zero

Alcohol free beer.

SEK 45.00

Not available

Coca-Cola Zero 33 cl

Coca-Cola Zero 33 cl

SEK 45.00

Not available

Coca-Cola Original Taste 33 cl

Coca-Cola Original Taste 33 cl

SEK 45.00

Not available

Davide och Enrico flyttade till Stockholm och insåg snart därefter att de hade hemlängtan till Emilia Romagna i Italien. Efter flera år av att driva foodtruck ihop har de nu öppnat sina första ställen i Stockholm; ett bageri, en deli och en pizzeria i ett.

See similar venues


Fleminggatan 48

11233 Stockholm

See map

Delivery times
